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Incumbent Bill Upload!

1. Log into your internet service provider portal and find your most recent bill. 


2. Please download or screenshot your entire bill (Your entire bill is required to be usable for our market research).

3.You can redact your personal information from the top of your bill before uploading however please leave your zip code visible. (If you don't redact personal information, we will not share personal information publicly.) 

4. Once your bill has been saved as a PDF/IMG file you can click on which you would like to upload below.  


5. Simply find and click your downloaded PDF/IMG file and under the chosen upload button the file name will appear.  


6. Once you see the file name you can click submit to be finished.  

If you have any questions, please let us know on the contact page and we will happily assist you. 

Thank you for your help!

Upload PDF here
Upload Image Here

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