Dartmouth Municipal Broadband Advisory Committee
Town officials have fielded complaints and concerns about the limited options, high cost, and at times, unreliable internet access in Dartmouth.
In response to these concerns, the Town is investigating the possibility of a town-owned fiber optic broadband network throughout Dartmouth. Meaning, the ability for the Town to provide Internet access to residents like it does with other utilities.
The benefits of a municipality owned broadband network include:
1. Decreased cost for the consumer.
The Town is not looking to make a staggering profit; savings would go straight to the residents.
Increased competition with other providers results in better services and costs across all providers.
2. Increased accessibility and reliability.
Town-owned broadband can provide a dedicated fiber connection to every residence and business with speeds of 1Gbps or more.
The Town can target underserved communities to ensure they have Internet access in the digital age.
Dartmouth has already created a Municipal Broadband Advisory Committee and contracted for a feasibility study to be completed. Community interest and feedback will be gauged through a survey which can be accessed here. The Committee will share their findings with the community as they learn more about the possibility of a municipality-owned fiber optic broadband network.
Dartmouth is committed to providing residents with the best services whenever possible and internet connection is no exception.